Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why do people burn out

When it comes to a video game? I can never understand this, but for some odd-reason in WoW burnout is huge. What bothers me is this 'burnout' happens, when a player usually:
1. Gets all the loot they wanted - no more reason to raid, cause i got all the shinies!

2. Real Life is bearing itself into Gaming World - You lose your job, your boyfriend/wife/husband/lesbian lover/goldfish lover - wants you to spend more time with them, and bitches/whines etc - so you cant play and concentrate because the dipshit wont STFU for however long you gotta raid.

3. You think you have the desire, dedication and skill to be apart of a raiding guild - but find out during the course, you bit off more you can chew, and you get tired of being called out for piss poor play.

What's also shocking is, burnout happening to raiders in top-end guilds. Does it really hurt yourself and your entire world to just raid for 4hours? I mean its not like you're wiping to hogger over and over. I sometimes tend to believe people don't have dedication and can see things truly to the end. There's always some reason/excuse as to why.

Also this will sound very rude, but everyone has RL problems in some sort of a way. The truly dedicated players, never seem to bring into game, and have it effect their game life. It's really starting to piss me off, because it's always the same rationale/reason. I guess this is the road you take when you raid in a MMO guild.

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