Friday, October 9, 2009

I Sit Here Proud

A great thing happened to this guild last night, and especially to 9 other players. In my guild there's 2 10man groups. As a guild I think it's fair to have multiple 10-man groups going on at the same time because you, 1. dont alienate players 2. thats 20 more players that can get some nice upgrades, which in turns helps ya in 25mans! 3. it helps in knowing the fights prior to 25mans, so you know the encounters. 4. it promotes bonding/team-work.

Now with that said, 1 10man group have always been the one who downs everything quickly, painlessly. Majority of the players in group 1 were stronger, basically our better players in the guild. While group 2 had their strong players, but mainly not on the skill-level of our group 1. Mainly the problem with group 2 was confidence, a leader and getting people motivated. Maybe in this game you do need to be a motivator, because what i'll say next will pretty much state I motivated our players.

What we do as a 10man group is basically hit up trial of the crusader normal first then head to hard mode central. Before the raid started I did a little speech, play smart, don't die etc.. And said we're going to attempt insanity tonight. I'm also going to bring in players that been in this group since the start and we're pretty much gonna get it tonight. Sorry for the other 9 players, we'll get you in next time.

So with the stage set, we tore like usual thru normal, and now it's time for some 10man insanity try mode. Group composition seems pretty wacky, but i'll tell you why i did it. Raid comp was as follows:

Death Knight - Cat Druid, Tank Druid, Prot Warrior, Ele Shaman, Hunter, Resto Druid, Disc Priest, Holy Paladin, Shadow Priest (Me).

Battle rezzers central, enough hybrid heals if things got iffy. Enough innervates to go around, and pretty much 2 tanks that work very well together. Plus the DK being unholy brought the AOE/Magical Debuff for the 2 casters. Sorry hunter, you were OOM but fuck you. With this group we tore thru alot, until it came to twins.

Twins, has been fucking us over on 25man for a quite a bit. We had 1% wipes, we had people just not playing right. Also me and a the resto druid suck monkey dick at absorbing orbs. But me and her bit the bullet and did it. So we start and the first shield that goes up, the dpsers didn't kill it in time and she healed fully. Now alot of people would've just said wipe, but no way we go on. Another thing happens, and our shaman dies because i dont know who, but i'd say both of us let balls of death into raid, and he go boom. Quickly he anhks, we buff him up. Now another shield pops up, and they barely break it again. So i see now healers fucking dpsing now, which i laughed at. So the mobs health bar is going down quickly, and we get 1 more shield, and the fuckers bloodlust it, and blow it up easily, and we get the kill. After I do loot, i tell everyone 5min break, take some deep breaths and don't leave the PC let's just talk about good stuff, how was your day everyone. Reason i did this, was to get their minds off of what happened, so it will hopefully not go into our next boss.

So next boss comes we're at 50 attempts left. Now prior to this night, we basically always hit a break-wall here. Before I started to lead group 2 i was in group 1 10man, which was the more solid group. We almost had insanity as well, but we forgot to tell our new player something, that basically bit us in the ass, and we got it on 49 attempts. but back to group 2........

Pretty much group 2 lacked what i mentioned earlier. DPS was a huge problem and poor play, because i don't think anyone wanted to be their, because they thought to themselves 'fuck another wipe fest train 2012'. Anytime there was a DPS check involved they couldn't pass it, and pretty much it became a emo fest of sissy shit. So 50 attempts left, i basically give another speech, have everyone calm down, tell the tanks what needs to be done, tell the interrupters on the adds what needs to be done, tell the healers etc..

Everyone ready, we go in start pew pewing/healing. When the first set of adds come up, our huntard pulls threat and dies. Noone panics, we got BREZ number 1 out. Bam he's up, we go back to pew pewing lazer beams, healing gobbles of joy. Anub burrowers, his health is around 57-58% this has been the lowest we've ever gotten him in group 2 on any of prior attempts on him. Now its time to play to kite the bad shit chasing you. Now before i continue i have to state something here. One of our tanks have never done hard mode crusader before. He knows by watching videos, reading, but no actual real world testing. So of course the shit targets him and a bunch of adds are on him, giving him a shitty debuff. So we finish the kite phase and now its time to pew pew adds and boss and see if we can kill it......

We go onto the boss blowing it up, adds pop up, this time huntard doesnt pull fucking threat and lets the tank gather them, and they die. Interrupts on the adds is of pure beauty. Mind you tanking these adds are complete and utter dick fuck, because they put a shitty debuff on the tank, which the poor healers have to fucking heal thru, they drop threat like dicks. So 8 seconds left we have 1 add down, anub at 30% this looks great. so we let the 1 add burrow and we pop bloodlust and focus killing the boss. boss HP dropping, but adds of fuck up start to come in. this is where we usually lose a healer/dps etc.. But not this time, the never saw this fight before tank picks them up wonderfully, boss hp dropping more and more. Basically this encounter has it, you kill him before he kills you. Due to adds piling up doing shadow strikes and 1 shotting random players, and healers going oom because of the intensity of the healing checks. Now also i would like to state, i always ended up tanking anub at sub 5% because people die and my dispersion wins the game. This time like clock-work 3% i pop dispersion my full sets of dots are up, all the adds and boss come to me, only huntard, feral druid up...... Dispersion drops boss is at 1% i die, huntard and cat dps druid win the game. Glee goes on, people need a drink/smoke etc.. I just sit back and let out a nice fart.

I hope this can be a building experience for this group of players. This group mainly was given the raw end of the group comps. And to go from having no faith, to downing something first for a change and do it pretty much flawlessly i hope they can carry their chins a bit higher.

I usually don't say these type of things, but i'm very proud of all of you. Even the so called 'weaker players' stepped up and this is why i get angry at alot of you ,because i know the potential most of you have.

so please for the love of dick sake, take this play into our 25mans.


  1. my eye hurt readong this but grats g2

  2. my eyes hurt reading this*

  3. my eyes also hurt from reading this, but congratulations to you and group 2, you preformed admirably.

    if only we didn't have so many scrubs in group 1! if only.

  4. asshole
    i didnt pull aggro
    the fuck shadow stepped me!

