Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why? Please Why??

Last night we attempted Twin Valks in Heroic Trial of the Crusade. Again it was another sub 10% wipe-fest, because players just don't seem to understand how MMO Raid content works. Don't stand in bad stuff at your feet, click something to protect you from something bad, dispel stuff that lands on players, click something that's going to increase your damage and healing, switch targets to evenly damage stuff. I'm missing more, but pretty much this is how this content is currently going. Now this shouldn't be an issue, because majority of the players in my guild posted they have raided content throughout this game, and right now it's no where near as difficult as it was during prior years. So i ask myself, i guess they lied, because people still:
1. Stand in stupid shit and die
2. Don't click something that is going to protect them fast enough.
3. Don't click something that is going to give you added damage/heals fast enough.
4. Switch targets fast enough to burn something down quickly.

I guess lying on your application is the new cool thing, because instead of being honest and stating when asked this question: What was your current raiding experience in World of Warcraft: Just answer the fucking question truthfully. I was so bad with my piss poor reaction times, my brain could not handle stuff being told me, that no guild wanted me in on anything. But when I became level 70 i did go back with other retarded players and we downed level 60 content with ease.

I wish I was a top world guild or hell even a top USA guild. I'd finally get players that don't have training wheels on, or basically get players that know their ass from the elbows.


  1. What keeps you in guild again? I'm genuinely interested, since you have the power to go anywhere you choose.

  2. I stay because, I see how good this guild can be, If people would just be fucking consistent. I'm also a person that see things until the end, and i dont want to admit failure. Hence why i'm now the GM.

    I wish more players would just play to their ability like I do and a few others.
